Kilton Webb
Candidate for Maine State House District 98
Bowdoin, Durham, Lisbon, Pownal, Topsham

About Kilton

Working for our community.


My name is Kilton Webb.  I am a lifelong mainer living in Durham. After graduation, I struggled to find a clear path for my future.  Thankfully, I found an Apprenticeship program that trained me to become an Electrician. After joining my local union, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 567, I found my purpose. I have become very active in the Union movement in Maine as well as a strong advocate for the working class.

Every year I am a proud participant in Labor Lobby Day, a day in which a large group of workers come together at the state house to personally speak to our legislators in support of a few key labor bills selected by the Maine AFL-CIO. My Labor Lobby Day experiences have given me the skills needed to successfully persuade our legislators to support the bills that matter to our community.

I have also had the honor of being elected chairman of my local union's Young Worker Committee. I used my position to get us a seat at the bargaining table and I helped advocate for a refund of the apprentice pension.  

I am running to represent District 98 in the state house because I believe we need more working-class Mainers in Augusta. It often feels like the voice of the worker isn't being heard in Augusta and I want to rectify that. Maine has a great opportunity to continue being a leader in the Clean Energy Revolution with the Offshore Wind Port being proposed. As someone in the construction industry, I want to make sure that this work comes to Maine, and that it is done correctly, in the best possible location, employing Mainers like myself.

If elected I will work hard to represent all the men and women in our district. Unlike our current representation, I will show up in Augusta to advocate on behalf of our district. I won't be swayed by party politics. Instead, I will support common-sense policies that benefit all the hard-working men and women in our state. I believe that if you work hard you should be able to afford to live comfortably in our state and I will work hard to make that a reality for all the members of our community.


On the Issues

Worker's Rights

Worker’s rights: As a union member I believe the average worker needs more representation in the workplace. Maine’s increase in worker deaths in 2023 is clear proof that we need change now. All Mainers should feel confident that when they, or their loved ones, go to work in the morning they will return home in one piece.


In our great state, we continually see crumbling roads and bridges - failing infrastructure that is dangerous and costly for taxpayers. We need to make the investments necessary to improve on what we have instead of throwing our tax dollars at cheap patchwork jobs that end up costing more in the long run.

Workforce Development

As someone who has gone through an apprenticeship, I know how beneficial these types of training programs can be. I learned great skills that have allowed me to pursue not just a job but a career. These programs will be essential in creating the next generation of highly skilled workers.


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Contact Kilton

(207) 458-0172